Club Events

Club Members Teach Prince William County School Gym Teachers About Pickleball

The Woodbridge Pickleball Club was recently invited to participate in the physical education teachers’ staff development day at Gar-Field Senior High School. Over 25 club members volunteered up to 3 hours of their time to run pickleball stations on skills and games such as How to Serve, Dingles, and Four Square.

Each session was one-hour in length and began with a welcome from WPC board member Carroll Williams, Woodbridge USAP ambassador Barbara Tyrrell, WPC board president Nick Katsarelis, and local pickleball pro Jay ‘Gizmo’ Hall.

Several hundred gym teachers learned more about pickleball and how to include pickleball as part of their curriculum. Woodbridge Pickleball Club members are available to assist PWCS teachers when introducing pickleball to their students. Please use the Contact Us form to request assistance.

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