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Competitive Events

Luck of the Draw Mini-Tournament 8-31-22

Luck of the Draw Mini-Tournament 8-31-22

It was a great evening for pickleball tonight! After players drew playing cards and were randomly assigned their partners and opponents, it was game on! Many of the games were fierce and scores were often very close.

Congrats to our winners:

  • First place: Andre and Ryan
  • Second place: Jeff and James
  • Third place: Scott and Aravind

And congratulations to all of our players for participating in the mini-tournament! We hope you enjoyed the format. Be sure to look on Playtime Scheduler and check your inboxes for an announcement of the next Luck of the Draw mini-tournament.

Pictured left-to-right: Aravind, Scott, Ryan, Andre, James, Jeff
Bracket scores. Click to zoom in
Competitive Events

Luck of the Draw Mini-Tournament

Luck of the Draw Mini-Tournament

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first Luck of the Draw mini-tournament. Though we ended up getting rained out, we would like to post the partial results. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone for the next one on August 31, 2022. Register on Playtime Scheduler.
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