Club Events

Woodbridge Pickleball Club Upcoming Events

Upcoming Club Events

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WPC and Manassas Park Community Center Social Round Robin

WPC and Manassas Park Community Center Social Round Robin

Today the Woodbridge Pickleball Club and the Manassas Park Community Center pickleball group came together to play a social round robin at Hellwig Park.

Twelve players from each club signed up through Playtime Scheduler. Bonnie Ballentine, USA Pickleball Ambassador, and Nick Katsarelis, Woodbridge Pickleball Club President, welcomed the players with opening remarks which included themes such as building lasting bonds with new friends through pickleball. Players were then given a playing card to assign them their first partner. Each team comprised of one Manassas Park player and one Woodbridge player with the intention of getting every player the chance to meet lots of new people. Games were played for 15 minute rounds and teams rotated to a different court and split giving them a new partner each time.

We were very fortunate that the rain held off for as long as it could – only raining out the last 15 minutes of play. The event was a huge success and everyone had a great time. The games were competitive and exciting and many laughs were shared. We hope to run a cross club event with the MPCC group again soon!

If your club would like to partner up with the Woodbridge Pickleball Club for a cross club event, please email [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Open Play

Hellwig Courts Full on Labor Day 2022

Hellwig Courts Full on Labor Day 2022

Great matches with 3.0-4.0 level players. The courts were full – 24 players on the courts and 8 waiting to play. Our Woodbridge Pickleball Club has so many great players having so much fun. Thanks to the Playtime Scheduler app, we had players joining us from outside of Prince William County.

Competitive Events

2.0-3.0 Round Robin at Veteran’s Park

2.0-3.0 Round Robin at Veteran’s Park

Woodbridge Pickleball Club member Dave Johnson organized a competitive round robin for 2.0-3.0 players at Veteran’s Park. It was a great morning with 8 players signed up! In round robin, you’ll play with every player so that’s 7 games! Thank you for hosting, Dave!

Competitive Events

Luck of the Draw Mini-Tournament 8-31-22

Luck of the Draw Mini-Tournament 8-31-22

It was a great evening for pickleball tonight! After players drew playing cards and were randomly assigned their partners and opponents, it was game on! Many of the games were fierce and scores were often very close.

Congrats to our winners:

  • First place: Andre and Ryan
  • Second place: Jeff and James
  • Third place: Scott and Aravind

And congratulations to all of our players for participating in the mini-tournament! We hope you enjoyed the format. Be sure to look on Playtime Scheduler and check your inboxes for an announcement of the next Luck of the Draw mini-tournament.

Pictured left-to-right: Aravind, Scott, Ryan, Andre, James, Jeff
Bracket scores. Click to zoom in
Competitive Events

Morning 3.25-4.0 Round Robin at Hellwig

Morning 3.25-4.0 Round Robin at Hellwig

This morning the Woodbridge Pickleball Club ran a free round robin for eight players self-rated at 3.25-4.0. During the round robin each of the players played with and against every other player for a total of 7 matches. The format for the round robin was 1 game to 11, win by 1.

Even though the round robin began at 8am, the heat was brutal – and the games were just as intense!

For this round robin, each player earned points based on their own performance based on matches won, head-to-head, and point differential.

Jason came in first place with 6 matches won and Dave came in second place with 5 matches won. Coming down to a close head-to-head Dewayne came in third, and Mark came in fourth.

After the round robin was completed, the first and fourth place players played against the second and third place players in a championship game with the format of 1 game to 15, win by 2. After an extremely competitive match, Dave and Dewayne beat Jason and Mark 15-13.

Thank you to all the participants for playing in the round robin and thank you to Dave “Jeffy” Johnson for organizing! Keep an eye on Playtime Scheduler the events calendar for more competitive events!

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