Club Events

Woodbridge Pickleball Club Upcoming Events

Upcoming Club Events

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Club News

Member Feedback Requested for Indoor Play for Winter 2022-2023

Member Feedback Requested for Indoor Play for Winter 2022-2023

Woodbridge Pickleball Club Members,

After our successful 2021/22 Winter play at the Montclair indoor bubble, we are beginning to plan for 2022/23.

A few quick statistics from last Winter:

Began 11/3 and ended 3/13 — averaged 17.29 players per session

Playtime Avg # of Players Popularity
Sat Nights 19.42 Most
Sun Nights 17.81 Good
Wed Mornings 17.35 Good
Fri Mornings 12.38 Not So Great

*Note: We need 20 players (on avg) per session to break even

Other things to note:
– We saw a drastic decrease:
— 26 and 29 Dec (during the holidays) — a mere 7 players showed per session
— In the entire month of March, we only averaged 11.75 players per session across the board

Suggestions from last year:
– Extend to 3-hr sessions instead of 2-hr
– Add another tennis court (i.e. adds 2 more pickle ball courts), but commits the club to paying more regardless of how many players show
– Limit the number of players so people are not waiting too long between games

I ask for your input on:
Proposal 1) End the Winter session at the end of Feb (i.e. last day is Sunday, 26 Feb)
Proposal 2) Extend from 2-hr sessions to 3-hr sessions — would mean a price increase from $6 to $9 per person per session
Proposal 3) Remove Friday from the schedule
Proposal 4) Remove 26 and 29 Dec from the schedule since most people are with their families, traveling, etc.

I am also open to other ideas not mentioned above. Please respond NLT this Friday, 2 Sep.

Many thanks,

Tom Konicki
Vice President
Woodbridge Pickleball Club 

Board Meetings Club News Events

Woodbridge Pickleball Club General Membership Meeting 9-7-22

Woodbridge Pickleball Club General Membership Meeting 9-7-22

Good evening, Woodbridge Pickleball Club Members!!

We are holding our first general membership meeting:

Wednesday September 7, 6:30 pm at Veterans Memorial Park, 14300 Veterans Dr, Woodbridge, VA.

We will discuss what we have been doing, what we have going on, plans for future events, current finances, county affiliations and planned expenditures. We will discuss some needs, and how you may be able to help.

Let’s meet on the court. Bring a chair. If it rains we will go to a pavilion.

If you have suggestions, questions or to receive notes from this meeting afterwards, please email us.

Paddle Up!


Your Board of Directors:

Nick Katsarelis, President

Tom Konicki, Vice President

Rhiannon Price, Secretary

Tina Garrett, Treasurer

Dave Bartee, Information Officer

Dave Delevenate, Board Member

Mike Kline, Board Member

Carroll Williams, Board Member

Jason Shriner, Board Member

Competitive Events

Morning 3.25-4.0 Round Robin at Hellwig

Morning 3.25-4.0 Round Robin at Hellwig

This morning the Woodbridge Pickleball Club ran a free round robin for eight players self-rated at 3.25-4.0. During the round robin each of the players played with and against every other player for a total of 7 matches. The format for the round robin was 1 game to 11, win by 1.

Even though the round robin began at 8am, the heat was brutal – and the games were just as intense!

For this round robin, each player earned points based on their own performance based on matches won, head-to-head, and point differential.

Jason came in first place with 6 matches won and Dave came in second place with 5 matches won. Coming down to a close head-to-head Dewayne came in third, and Mark came in fourth.

After the round robin was completed, the first and fourth place players played against the second and third place players in a championship game with the format of 1 game to 15, win by 2. After an extremely competitive match, Dave and Dewayne beat Jason and Mark 15-13.

Thank you to all the participants for playing in the round robin and thank you to Dave “Jeffy” Johnson for organizing! Keep an eye on Playtime Scheduler the events calendar for more competitive events!

Club News

Not Seeing Our Emails? Check Your Spam Folder

Not Seeing Our Emails? Check Your Spam Folder

Email is our main method of communicating with members so it’s important to make sure you’re receiving them! If you haven’t received any emails from us, please review the following steps:

  • Check your spam/junk folder. Gmail users: if your inbox has tabs check the All Mail tab.
  • Add the Woodbridge Pickleball Club email to your contacts or address book. This will help whitelist our emails to you.
  • If you can’t find any emails in spam, confirm we have your correct email address. Send an email to the Woodbridge Pickleball Club email and we will confirm your email.

Some email clients have very strong spam filters. You can search online for steps you can specifically take to make sure our emails reach you. Don’t forget to regularly check the new newsfeed!

Competitive Events

Club Members Medal at the Legends Dink Dink Bang Tournament

Club Members Medal at the Legends Dink Dink Bang Tournament

The Woodbridge Pickleball Club had an incredible showing at the 5th Annual Dink Dink Bang tournament hosted by Legends Sports Leagues, inc. in Winchester over the weekend. Tons of club members participated in the tournament and many of them medaled!

Congratulations to the following club members who medaled!

  • Patrick Sobolik – Bronze – Men’s Singles, 3.5, combined: 19+, 50+
  • Nick Katsarelis – Bronze – Men’s Doubles, 3.5, 60+
  • Mike Kline – Bronze – Men’s Doubles, 3.5, 60+
  • Irvin Martinez – Gold – Men’s Doubles, 4.0, 19+
  • Jeremy Lasich – Bronze – Men’s Doubles, 4.0, 35+
  • Tom Konicki – Gold – Men’s Doubles, 4.0, 50+
  • German Peri – Gold – Men’s Doubles, 4.0, 50+
  • Ross Weinberg – Gold – Men’s Doubles, 4.5, combined: 19+, 35+, 50+, 60+
  • Tina Garrett – Silver – Mixed Doubles, 3.0, 60+
  • Dave Johnson – Silver – Mixed Doubles, 3.0, 60+
  • Lee Ann Houston – Silver – Mixed Doubles, 3.5, 35+
  • Kathy Joubert – Gold – Mixed Doubles, 3.5, 50+
  • Aurelio Roca – Gold – Mixed Doubles, 3.5, 50+
  • Suzanne Leopold – Silver – Mixed Doubles, 3.5, 50+
  • Luis Caballero – Silver – Mixed Doubles, 3.5, 50+
  • Joyce Johnson – Bronze – Mixed Doubles, 3.5, 60+
  • Dave Delevante – Bronze – Mixed Doubles, 3.5, 60+
  • Jennifer Martinez – Silver – Mixed Doubles, 4.0, 19+
  • Irvin Martinez – Silver – Mixed Doubles, 4.0, 19+
  • Jamie Ritenour – Gold – Women’s Skinny Singles, 3.0, combined: 19+ 50+
  • DeStephanie Johnson – Bronze – Women’s Doubles, 3.0, combined: 50+ 60+
  • Amy Farabow – Bronze – Women’s Doubles, 3.5, combined: 50+ 60+
  • Thuy Ho – Bronze – Women’s Doubles, 3.5, combined: 50+ 60+

The above list includes individuals who were active dues paying members at the time of the event.

Congratulations to ALL the Woodbridge Pickleball Club members who participated!

Below is a gallery of photos from the event. Would you like to add your photo to the gallery? Send it to the Woodbridge Pickleball Club email with ‘Newsfeed’ as the subject. Include the names of the people in the photo and the event. Please keep in mind we try to only share photos featuring individuals who were active members at the time of the event. We appreciate your cooperation!

Competitive Events

Luck of the Draw Mini-Tournament

Luck of the Draw Mini-Tournament

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first Luck of the Draw mini-tournament. Though we ended up getting rained out, we would like to post the partial results. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone for the next one on August 31, 2022. Register on Playtime Scheduler.
Community Events

Club Members Teach Prince William County School Gym Teachers About Pickleball

Club Members Teach Prince William County School Gym Teachers About Pickleball

The Woodbridge Pickleball Club was recently invited to participate in the physical education teachers’ staff development day at Gar-Field Senior High School. Over 25 club members volunteered up to 3 hours of their time to run pickleball stations on skills and games such as How to Serve, Dingles, and Four Square.

Each session was one-hour in length and began with a welcome from WPC board member Carroll Williams, Woodbridge USAP ambassador Barbara Tyrrell, WPC board president Nick Katsarelis, and local pickleball pro Jay ‘Gizmo’ Hall.

Several hundred gym teachers learned more about pickleball and how to include pickleball as part of their curriculum. Woodbridge Pickleball Club members are available to assist PWCS teachers when introducing pickleball to their students. Please use the Contact Us form to request assistance.

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